Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

10 Unique Facts About the Founder of Apple, Steve Jobs

The site Hollyscoop reported ten things about the deceased person behind the success of Apple, Steve Jobs, who died on Wednesday (6 / 10) from cancer at age 56. Here are ten interesting things are:

1. Drop Out of College
As Mark Zuckerberg, who dropped out of Harvard to make up, Steve Jobs has a better activity than lectures.
Jobs had studied at Reed College in Portland, Oregon, but came out after 6 months. A year later, Jobs founded Apple.

2. Likes LSD
Once out of college, Jobs went to India and became a follower of Buddha. Jobs experimented with psychiatric drug lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD).
Jobs described the experience with LSD as "one of the two or three most important things ever done in his life."

3. Child Adoption
Biological mother gave Jobs Steve Jobs who was a week old. Jobs when it's biological mother is not married and still in college. Jobs then adopted by a married couple Armenia, Paul and Clara Hagopian.
In the 90s, Jobs decided to track his sister and eventually met at the age of 27 years. Her sister, Mona Simpson, is a successful writer and professor at UCLA.

4. Buddhist
Jobs is a strong adherent of Zen Buddhism and almost joined at the monastery and became a monk. Jobs married in a Buddhist tradition by a Zen priest who became his private teacher.

5. Founded Pixar
Jobs was so successful with Apple and many people do not know, that in 1986 Jobs bought Pixar animation studio for 5 million U.S. dollars. Jobs added 5 billion U.S. dollars to the studio to experiment with animation.
Jobs is also the only person responsible for the sale of Pixar to Disney for nearly 20 years later.

6. A Playboy?
Before marrying his wife, Laurene Powell, in 1991, Jobs was dating Hollywood star (at the time) such as Diane Keaton and Joan Baez.
Jobs also had children from Chrisann Brennan but denied responsibility and claimed sterile but later he admitted it.

7. Giving Graduation Speech
Although listed as a drop out of college, careers and then was invited to give commencement address at Stanford for the year of graduation 2005.
His speech was one of the most inspirational in the history of the present is that the students enter the working world by doing things like, as well as he does.

8. Fired from Apple
Jobs created the Apple at age 20 outside his parents' garage with Steve Wozniak. After ten years developing the company and reach age 30, careers at odds with Wozniak, but the board of directors sided with Wozniak and Jobs was fired.
Jobs said, it is the best thing that ever happened. "The burden on the current successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again," he said.

9. Making Apple Famous
After 10 years away from Apple, Jobs returned in 1996. Who remembers the 90s Mac computers great? That's when Jobs was at Apple.

10. Not Eating Meat
Jobs actually a pescetarian, meaning eat fish but no other meat. Jobs also eat eggs and processed products.

In 2004, Jobs announced that he had cancer of the pancreas and liver transplants have been done five years later.
In January 2011, Jobs and then leave. Retired as CEO in August 2011 and delegate all duties to Tim Cook.
Although famous, Jobs very closed to the matter of private life. He married Lorene in 1991 and the couple was blessed with three children.

Microsoft boss Bill Gates said,

"For those who are lucky enough to be able to work with him, it was a very great honor. I will miss Steve at all."

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said,

"America lost a genius who will always be remembered with Thomas Edison and Einstein, and his ideas will shape the world for generations to come."

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